January 26, 2010

The Disappearing Meanie

As you may or may not have noticed, I haven't posted anything to my blog for the last couple of months. The question I guess is why? Well, that's a question easier to ask than answer.

I could tell you that I haven't been blogging because I recently moved in with the Future Mrs. Meanie and have been otherwise occupied, but, that would only be half true. Yes, after 5 of the most turbulent happiest years of my life, the Future Mrs. Meanie and I finally took the plunge and decided to wake up miserable next to each other every morning! However, I've still had plenty of time to blog, so that ain't it.

I could tell you that we renovated the basement creating the perfect "Man-Cave" and that my time has been extremely limited, but the truth is, we hired a contractor.

I'm Canadian and it's hockey season so I could always use that as an excuse! But the sad reality is that I'm a Leafs fan so there hasn't been a whole lot to get excited about this year. Or last year. Or the year before that. Or the year before that. Or the year.....ah, you get the idea.

I could tell you that I was up to my ears in alligators leading up to the holidays and needed a month to recover, but, the truth is that the holidays were very relaxing.

Would you believe that I was Tiger Woods 20th mistress??

Feeding hungry kids in Africa??

Fighting Somali Pirates??

Helping to rebuild Haiti?

Sadly, I have no viable excuse for not blogging. Almost every day for the last two months I've sat down at my computer, and while I've had a ton of ideas for this blog, for some inexplicable reason, I can't seem to get those ideas out of my head and onto the screen.

But, I'm back now! No more excuses for not writing. I have some exciting things planned for this blog, so I promise, if you stick with me, you will be thoroughly entertained. Probably. Maybe. Ok, all I can promise is that there will be words on the page. I hope you enjoy them.

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